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ኣመሪካ ኣብ መጎዓዝያ ሰራዊትን ኣጽዋርን እተገልግል ዓባይ ነፋሪት ንኢትዮጵያ ብሓገዝ ሂባ
Radio Erena: 24 February 2015 ኣመሪካ፣ ኣብ ምጉዕዓዝ ሰብን ኣጽዋርን እተገልግል ሲ-130 ሄርኩለስ ዝዓይነታ ዓባይ ወትሃደራዊት ነፋሪት ንመንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ ብሓገዝ ከምዝሃበት ዘ ሪፖርተር ዝተባህለት ጋዜጣ ሓቢራ። እታ [...]

ፕረዚደንት ሮበርት ሙጋበ ንመበል 91 ዓመት ልደቱ ብናይ ልዕሊ ሓደ ሚልዮን ዶላር ወጻኢ ኣብዒሉ
Radio Erena: 24 February 2015 ፕረዚደንት ዚምባብዌን እዋናዊ ኣቦ መንበር ሕብረት ኣፍሪቃን ሮበርት ሙጋበ መበል 91 ዓመተ ልደቱ ብናይ ልዕሊ ሓደ ሚልዮን ዶላር ወጻኢታት ኣብዒሉ። ፕረዚደንት ሙጋበ፣ ብቀዳም 21 ለካቲት [...]

ግብጺ ኣብ የመን ዝርከብ ኤምባሲኣ ዓጽያ
Radio Erena: 24 February 2015 ግብጺ ኣብ የመን ዝርከብ ኤምባሲኣ ከምዝዓጸወት ኣፍሊጣ። እታ ሃገር ነቲ ኣብ የመን ዝነበረ ኤምባሲኣ ጠቕሊላ ዝዓጸወትሉ ምኽንያት፣ ጸጥታ ሃገር ካብ ቁጽጽር ወጻኢ ኮይንሉ ኣብ ዘሎ እዋን'ዩ [...]

Former French Ambassador to Eritrea:-the Israeli agent behind enemy lines
Radio Erena: 23 February 2015 Israelis knew him by his pseudonym Pierre Baudry, which he used while working as Yedioth Ahronoth's correspondent in Ba [...]

ኣምባሳደር ፈረንሳ ኣብ ኤርትራ ነበር፣ ብኣልሸባብ ንዝተታሕዘ ኣባል ስለያ ሃገሩ ንምፍታሕ ምስ መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ብሓባር ይሰርሑ ምንባሮም ተኣሚኑ
Radio Erena: 23 February 2015 ካብ 2009 ክሳብ 2012 ኣምባሳደር ፈረንሳ ኣብ ኤርትራ ዝነበረ ሮዠ ኡክ (Roger Auque) ፣ ብኣልሸባብ ተታሒዙ ንዝነበረ ኣባል ስለያ ፈረንሳ ደኒ ኣሌክስ ንምፍታሕ ምስ ኣባላት ስለ [...]

ትካላት ንግዲ ህግደፍ ካብ ሱዳን ብኮንትሮባንዳ ዝተሸመተ ሃለኽቲ ነገራት ናብ ተሰነይ ምውሓዝ ይቕጽልኦ ምህላወን ተገሊጹ
Radio Erena: 23 February 2015 ብኮንትሮባንዳ ካብ ሱዳን ዝኣቱ ዘሎ ከም ጸባ፣ ዘይት፣ ፊናኖ፣ ሳሙናን ካልእን ዝኣመሰለ ሃለኽቲ ነገራት ብዝልዓለ ናህሩ ይቕጽል ምህላዉ ምንጭታት ሬድዮ ኤረና ካብ ካርቱም ሓቢሮም። ኣብ ዝሓ [...]

ዕጡቓት ደቡብ ሱዳን 89 ቆልዑ ጨውዮም
Radio Erena: 23 February 2015 መንነቶም ዘይተነጸረ ዕጡቓት ደቡብ ሱዳን፣ ኣብ ማላካል ካብ መዓስከር 89 ቆልዑ ከምዝጨወዩ ኣህጉራዊ ማዕከን ቆልዑ- Unicef ገሊጹ። እቶም ዕጡቓት ናብቲ ብሰንኪ ኵናት ካብ መነባብርኦም [...]

Djibouti’s President plays down the peace initiative between Eritrea and his country under the auspicious of Qatar
Radio Erena: 21 February 2015 President Ismail Omar Gele of Djibouti says the Qatari mediated peace talks between Eritrea and Djibouti has born no fr [...]

Canada warns to revoke residence permits of asylum seekers visiting their country of origin
Radio Erena: 21 February 2015 The Canadian government says it has plans to revoke residence permits and other benefits of those asylum seekers from v [...]

Authorities in the Eritrean capital demolished 105 residential houses around the city
Radio Erena 20 February 2015 The government of Eritrea is reported to have demolished 105 residential houses in the village of Tselot in the Central [...]