Great Britain reports a daily 726 Thousand Pounds expenditure on asylum seekers

Great Britain reports a daily 726 Thousand Pounds expenditure on asylum seekers

Radio Erena: 04 March 2015


The British government spends 726, 000 British pounds daily on asylum bills, confirms Express Newspaper.

According to a statement from the British office of Immigration and Refugees, the government spent a total of 1.2 billion pounds on asylum seekers starting 2010 and that is reported to have created a strain on the country’s economy.


Express pointed out that the money would have been used to create job opportunities for additional 58,000 nurses, 52,000 teachers and 47,000 police officers.

The British government pays a 43-pound-stipend weekly to every immigrant apart from the complimentary accommodations, medical and educational services it provides to the immigrants.

Most of the cases of the asylum seekers, which is dominated by Eritreans, is believed to be under investigation.

A British government delegation is recalled to have visited Eritrea and met with the Eritrean authorities concerning the growing number of Eritrean immigrants in Britain. The British government had also previously decided to build security fences along its boarder with France.

There were 29,000 asylum seekers in Great Britain alone up until the end of 2014. The rampant growth of these immigrants has worried many European countries.

The number of Eritrean refugees is in second place following Syrians.