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እስራኤል ኣብ ጉዳይ ስደተኛታት ንዘለዋ ፖሊሲ ንምቕዋም ኣብ ስቶኮልም ሰለማዊ ሰልፊ ክካይድ’ዩ

እስራኤል ኣብ ጉዳይ ስደተኛታት ንዘለዋ ፖሊሲ ንምቕዋም ኣብ ስቶኮልም ሰለማዊ ሰልፊ ክካይድ’ዩ

Radio Erena: 09 April 2015 እስራኤል፣ ኣብ ልዕሊ እታ ሃገር ንዘለዉ መብዛሕቶም ዜጋታት ኤርትራን ሱዳንን ዝርከብዎም ስደተኛታት እትኽተሎ ዘላ ፖሊሲ ንምቅዋም፣ ንሰኑይ 20 ሚያዝያ ኣብ ሽወደን ከተማ ስቶኮልም ሰለማዊ ሰልፊ [...]
መንግስቲ ኬንያ ናብ ሶማል ዝሕወል ገንዘብ ደው ኣቢሉ፣ ናይ 86 ሰባት ናይ ባንክ ሕሳብ ድማ ኣደስኪሉ

መንግስቲ ኬንያ ናብ ሶማል ዝሕወል ገንዘብ ደው ኣቢሉ፣ ናይ 86 ሰባት ናይ ባንክ ሕሳብ ድማ ኣደስኪሉ

Radio Erena: 09 April 2015 መንግስቲ ኬንያ፣ ካብታ ሃገር ናብ ሶማል ብሕጋዊ መንገዲ ዝካየድ ዝነበረ ገንዘብ ናይ ምልኣኽን ምሕዋልን ንጥፈታት ደው ኣቢልዎ። እቲ መንግስቲ፣ ካብ ኬንያ ናብ ሶማልያ ገንዘብ ኣብ ምሕዋል ዝነጥ [...]
British Report Discredits Eritreans’ ‘Refugee’ Claim

British Report Discredits Eritreans’ ‘Refugee’ Claim

Radio Erena : 08 April 2015 Home Office report says defectors from the Eritrean army don't face danger at home. Expert: infiltrators a huge boon to E [...]
EU representatives in talks with the Eritrean authorities on ending exodus of Eritrean to the Union

EU representatives in talks with the Eritrean authorities on ending exodus of Eritrean to the Union

Radio Erena: 08 April 2015 European Union representatives are reported to be holding talks with various Eritrean authorities and diplomats, which foc [...]
ብሪጣንያ፣ ካብ ሰራዊት ዝሃደሙ ኤርትራውያን ሓተቲ ዑቕባ ናብ ዓዶም ክምለሱ ጸገም የብሎምን ትብል

ብሪጣንያ፣ ካብ ሰራዊት ዝሃደሙ ኤርትራውያን ሓተቲ ዑቕባ ናብ ዓዶም ክምለሱ ጸገም የብሎምን ትብል

Radio Erena : 08 April 2015 ቤት ጽሕፈት ውሽጣዊ ጉዳያት ብሪጣንያ፣ ‘ካብ ሰራዊት ዝሃደሙ ኤርትራውያን ሓተቲ ዑቕባ ናብ ዓዶም እንተተመሊሶም ዝኾነ ጸገም ኣይክገጥሞምን’ዩ’ ምባሉ ተነቒፉ። እቲ ቤት ጽሕፈት፣ ነዚ መደምደም [...]
ጭፍራ መራኽብ ኵናት ቱርኪ ኣብ ገማግም ባሕሪ ሱዳን ተጸጊዐን

ጭፍራ መራኽብ ኵናት ቱርኪ ኣብ ገማግም ባሕሪ ሱዳን ተጸጊዐን

Radio Erena : 08 April 2015 ጭፍራ መራኽብ ኵናት ቱርኪ ናብ ፖርት ሱዳን ተጸጊዐን። እተን ቁጽረን ብልክዕ ዘይተሓበረ ጭፍራ መራኽብ ኵናት ቱርኪ ትማሊ ናብ ፖርት ሱዳን ኣብ ዝተጸግዓሉ፣ ሓይሊ ባሕሪ ሱዳን ድሙቕ ኣቐባብላ [...]
ኣሽሓት የመናውያን ናብ ጅቡቲ ክስደዱ ጀሚሮም

ኣሽሓት የመናውያን ናብ ጅቡቲ ክስደዱ ጀሚሮም

Radio Erena : 08 April 2015 ኣብ የመን ካብ ዝቕጽል ዘሎ ጽዑቕ ደብዳብን ኵናት ሓድሕድን ዝሃደሙ ኣሽሓት የመናውያን ናብ ጅቡቲ ይኣትዉ ኣለዉ። ሓደ ሚልዮን ዘይበጽሕ ብዝሒ ህዝቢ ዘለዋ ጅቡቲ፣ ካብ የመን ከጋጥማ ንዝክእል [...]
Eritrean Immigrants in Yemen appeal to the International Community for help

Eritrean Immigrants in Yemen appeal to the International Community for help

Radio Erena: 07 April 2015 The Eritrean immigrants appeal to the International Community for help in the wake of tense air-strike and fighting betwee [...]
Rwanda and Uganda disagree on the Israel’s new statement on expelling African Immigrants

Rwanda and Uganda disagree on the Israel’s new statement on expelling African Immigrants

Radio Erena: 07 April 2015 Following Israeli’s statement on deporting thousands the Eritreans dominated African immigrants to Rwanda and Uganda, Pres [...]
Djibouti’s Chief of Staff Holds Talks in Cairo On Yemen

Djibouti’s Chief of Staff Holds Talks in Cairo On Yemen

Radio Erena: 07 April 2015 Egypt's Defence Minister Sedki Sobhi received a top Djibouti defence official on Sunday, discussing developments in Yemen [...]
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