U.S. Blames Eritrea Still Supporting Al Shabab Militant Group in Somalia

Radio Erena: December 10, 2013


The U.S state department has blamed again that Eritrea is still supporting Somalia’s militant group Al Shabab. A report by the state department has blamed that Eritrean officials were in Somalia’s Lower Shabelle region to give training and other mechanical support to Al Shabab fighters in Somalia, battling against the Federal Government forces and the African Union troops (AMISOM).

The report did not name the individuals from Eritrea in Somalia. Also Somali Government sources could not confirm the existence of such Eritrean presence in its territory.

Eritrea has been always blamed for supporting the militant group of Al Shabab, a claim Asmara regime constantly denied.


UN report in July last year said that Eritrea has reduced its support for the al Qaeda-allied al Shabaab militant group in Somalia.

Source:- Shabelle Media Network (Mogadishu)