Saudi Arabia continues to bomb the Houthis and the Eritrean government rejects any relations with the Houthis

Saudi Arabia continues to bomb the Houthis and the Eritrean government rejects any relations with the Houthis

Radio Erena: 03 April 2015

Saudi FM

The main motto of the Iranian-government-backed-Houthi group and the opposition forces led by the former Yemeni president is out to destroy Yemen, said the minister of foreign affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – Prince Al Faysal.

In a weekly speech Prince Al Faysal delivered to the Shura assembly, he stressed out that his country won’t stop bombing in Yemen until peace is restored in the country.


Prince Al Faysal confirmed the bombing campaign was called up on by Yemen’s current President Ab Derebo Mansur Hadu and is executed by nine Arab countries led by Saudi Arabia.

Some Yemeni political analysts speculate the former president of the country – Ali Abdela Saleh, who is leading one of the opposition groups that is involved in creating the chaos in the country, is likely going to leave the country, if the bombing campaign continues.

In an interview he gave to the CNN Arabic language service last week, Yemen’s current minister of foreign affairs – Riyadh Yasin said there are several clues which tell the former President is getting ready to flee to Eritrea.

Meanwhile, in a statement it issued on Wednesday, the government of Eritrea said it has no relations with the Houthi and other Yemen’s opposition groups.

Although one of the leaders of the Houthi group – Abdulmalik Al Ajiri confirmed his travel to Eritrea and other counties for talks on the securities of the Red Sea, the Eritrean government rejects the statement by the leader.

While the Red Sea bordering countries of Sudan and Djibouti expressed their solidarity with the Saudi led air attack in Yemen, the Eritrean government has neither shown support nor denounced the attack to date.

In the meantime, many countries continue pulling their nationals based in Yemen via Djibouti and Ethiopia.