Parents of Somali Soldiers Threat Government with Massive Protest


Radio Erena News, 3 November 2022

The Parents of Somali Soldiers held in Eritrea threatened the Somali government with massive protests if these soldiers aren’t brought back home soon.

On their meeting of Oct. 17, the parents of 5000 Somali soldiers sent to Eritrean in 2019 for training promised to stage a protest if the president Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud doesn’t bring their children home according to Somali Guardian website.

In July president Sheikh Mahmoud visited Eritrea and promised he would bring the soldiers home, but in his later visit to the US he said President Isias Afwerki has no intention of sending the soldiers home because he said the situation in Somalia isn’t stable.

The parents referred to President Sheikh Mahmoud promise to bring their children home right after his election, a promise he couldn’t fulfill.

The concerns of the soldiers’ parents were raised with news in Somali media that they were sent to war in Tigray along with the Eritrean units fighting in the Northernmost region of Ethiopia.