Somali Commando Units Kill 49 Al-Shabab Combatants


Erena News, 24 November 2022

The Somali Ministry of Information said that special commando units of the Somali army killed 49 combatants of Al-Shabab Movement in a surprise attack in a village in lower Shabelle on Tuesday night.

Intelligence-operated units and ‘international security partners’ had also participated in the attack said the Ministry.

Al-Shabab Movement, which attacked the Ministry of Education in October, killing tens of civilians and injuring several others, is obstructing the delivery of food aid to the needy in the rural areas thus complicating the draught caused famine confirmed the Ministry.

Villagers from Avgoy, 25 Km north of the capital Mogadishu said that they heard loud noise of explosions in the area that witnessed the government force attack.

Photo: October attack in Mogadishu, internet archive.