Eritrea’s Bizen Monastery Authorities Denounce Orthodox Clergy working with the PFDJ

Radio Erena: 25 September 2017

Bizen Monastery Officials denounced Secretary of the Synod of the Orthodox Church – HH Bishop Lukas and the head of the Popal Council of the church – HH Bishop Basilos for colluding with the Eritrea’s ruling party – People’s Front for Democracy and Justice – PFDJ.

In a condemnation letter released on the 12th of September – two weeks after observing the Geez New Year’s and St. John’s religious holiday, the officials of the Monastery openly exposed the two accused clergy stating the roles they have been playing in contempt of the Orthodox church by acting in violation of the church’s rules and regulations.

 According to the released letter, the administrative office of the Monastery had extended repeated advice and warnings pertaining the matter in the times leading up to the decision to publicly release the condemnation letter.

HH Bishop Lukas has been providing benediction while HH Patriarch Anthonios – the top leader of the Orthodox church is alive, which is considered illegal by chuch. HH Patriarch Anthonios has been languishing under house arrest for the past 11 (eleven) years after he was detained by the Eritrean Government without any charges of wrong doing.

Eritrea’s Global Religious Advocacy Council of the church- for North America, Europe and Middle East has published the benediction on stating that it is a curse given to the people in the name of benediction.

It has been reported that Bishops Lukas and Basilos and other member of the Orthodox Church council have repeatedly been issued warnings for jeopardizing the church’s integrity and for damages inflicted up on the church, its clergy and followers by colluding with the country’s national security agents who constantly try to interfere in the church’s daily operations.