Asmara and towns in the vicinity face shortage of drinking water

Radio Erena: 24 May 2017     


Resident of the Eritrean capital – Asmara and surrounding towns are concerned by the shortage of drinking water, reported Radio Erena sources from the capital.

       According to the sources, drinking water has been in short supply for months now and residents are rationed a barrel a week by the local administrations. People are reported to be seen in long lines in the streets to get the rationed water.

       Although the cost of the barrel of water has been set to be 10 Nakfa (estimated $0.65 USD), there are times when that is sold for 50 Nakfa (estimated $3.26 USD).

       It has also been reported that this incidents are commonly seen not only in Asmara and its neighboring towns but also in the northwestern towns of like Keren.

      The representatives of the ruling party in the country, however, deny this allegations saying the Eritrean people has full supply of water as a result of the dams construction projects by the government and the amount of rain the country got this past summer.