Government of Eritrea’s invitation to anti-independent-Eritrea Ethiopian political factions and journalists to tour Eritrea angers many Eritreans

Government of Eritrea’s invitation to anti-independent-Eritrea Ethiopian political factions and journalists to tour Eritrea angers many Eritreans

Radio Erena: 13 Januray 2015


One of the top known jailers of journalists and politicians in the world, the government of Eritrea invited some Ethiopian political factions and journalists who do not support Eritrea’s independence to make a tour in the country and this has reportedly angered several Eritreans.

The government of Eritrea has been harbouring several Ethiopian political opposition parties, including those who do not believe in the Eritrean sovereignty, to satisfy its rivalry with the current Ethiopian administration.

Most of the over 75-member-Ethiopian opposition delegation, who are from the United States, Europe and South Africa, still argue Eritrea is part of Ethiopia.

Sources from Eritrea report that the Eritrean government argues its invitation is for the parties and journalists to observe the decisions taken by many Eritrea-based Ethiopian opposition parties to form a coalition military force.

According to the sources, the opposition delegation is set to tour the port city of Massawa and that they will attend special entertainment programs which have been planned for them.

According to Erena Radio reports on the 18th of November 2014, the government of Eritrea was pushing the Eritrea-based Ethiopian opposition parties, especially, those from the Oromo, Amhara, Sidama, and Tigray regions to form a coalition military force, although it wasn’t successful due to disagreements between two opposition parties. The strongest opposition party – the Tigrayan People’s Democratic Movement [TPDM] is believed to dominate the coalition.

Erena Radio on its 30th of December 2014 news reportage noted that the government of Eritrea had been pushing the US-based news media known as ESAT which is owned by ‘Gunbet 7’ opposition party led by Dr. Berhanu Nega and sponsored by the Eritrean government, to work in coordination with Ethiopian opposition radio and TV programs broadcast from Eritrea.

The actions taken by the Eritrean government are getting too many backlashes and anger from the people. People criticize the government saying extending such invitations at the time when several young people are fleeing the country, at a time when too many Eritreans are denied of their basic rights, and at a time when too many Eritrean politicians and journalists are jailed without due process of law, shows how insensitive the government has become to its people and the country’s integrity.