ኣስመራ፣ ኣብ ጸጸራት መካነ- መቓብር ካቶሊካዊትን ወንጌላዊትን ኣብያተ ክርስትያን ዝርከብ ሬሳታት ክልዓል መንግስቲ ኣዚዙ

Radio Erena: 16 April 2021

ኣብ ኣስመራ፣ ከባቢ ጸጸራት ኣብ ዝርከብ መቓብር ካቶሊካዊትን ወንጌላዊትን ኣብያተ ክርስትያን፣  ዓሪፉ ዘሎ ሬሳታት፣ ተፋሒሩ ክልዓል መንግስቲ ትእዛዝ ምምሕልላፉ ምንጭታት ራድዮ ኤረና ሓቢሮም።

ካቶሊካዊት ቤተክርስትያን ኤርትራ፣ ካብ መካነ መቓብር ጸጸራት ንዝፈሓር ሬሳታት፣ መጽንሒ ዝኸውን ቦታ ክወሃባ ብዝሓተተቶ መሰረት ክፍቀደላ እንከሎ፣ ወንጌላዊት ቤተ ክርስትያን ግና ሕቶ ይኹን ጥርዓን ኣየቕረበትን።

ስድራቤታት፣ ነቲ ብግቡእን ስነ-ስርዓተን ዝተቐብረ ሬሳታት ፊሒሮም ናበይ ከምዝወስድዎ ምውሳን ስኢኖም ከምዘለዉ እቶም ምንጭታት ጠቒሶም። 

ዒላማ ምፍንቓል ናይቲ ኣብ መካነ መቓብር ጸጸራት ዓሪፉ ዝርከብ ሬሳታታ ብንጹር ኣይተፈልጠን።

ብምልኡ ‘ቲ መቓብራት ድዩ ተፋሒሩ ክወጽአ ተኣዚዙ ዘሎ ወይስ ገለ ክፋሉ’ውን ኣይተነጸረን።

ይኹን’ምበር፣ ኣብ ጎኒ’ዚ መቓብራት ንዝርከብ፣ መሊኡ ከምዘሎ ዝግለጽ መቓብር ሓበኛታት፣ ተወሳኺ መሬት ንምርካብ ክኸውን ከምዝኽእል እቶም ነዚ ሓበሬታ ዝልኣኹ ምንጭታት ግምታቶም ሂቦም።

መካነ መቓብር ጸጸራት ናይ ካቶሊካዊትን ወንጌላዊትን ኣብያተ ክርስትያን ኣብ ጎኒ መቓብር ሓርበኛታት’ዩ ዝርከብ።

ስእሊ፦ ካብ ኣርካይቭስ ኢንተርነት



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    Aklil 3 years ago

    Swuat bezehom do kon ab kunat tigay.gele mekrberii halefti kekewen yekeal

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    Isaias Afewerki 3 years ago

    Isaias Afewerki, born February 2, 1946 in Asmara, is Eritrea’s first and so far only president since independence in 1993. He is also the leader of the only allowed party, the People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ). Prior to 1993, Afewerki was the leader of the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front, an independent Eritrean movement. [1]

    The outside world’s view of the president was optimistic in the years following independence, and Eritrea was cited as an example of the positive development in Africa. However, relations between Afewerki and Meles Zenawi, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia and Afewerki’s former ally, deteriorated rapidly, which later escalated into the Eritrean-Ethiopian War. [2] The view of the regime today is very different and Afewerki has received a lot of criticism from the outside world for lack of human rights in the country.